LMI launches 5 by 500 Grassroots, Fundraising Campaign

Loving Mind Institute, Inc. a national 501(c)3, non-profit, organization dedicated to advancing biomedical research and scientific initiatives in mental illness & addiction launches the 5 by 500 Campaign with the primary goal to build up its grassroots base. The outreach is coupled with fundraising aiming to gather $5 donations from 500 different individuals. The effort will be implemented on the streets of Boston, including Cambridge & Longwood, in proximity of renown institutions such as Harvard Medical School, where LMI founder, Marion Riggs, will gather survey responses, signatures, and donations. See video on first day of launch.

“It is essential that we engage the public and increase funding for biomedical research in mental illness and addiction. For a variety of reasons, it has been difficult for patient groups to form and build their collective voice for research to match the sense of urgency and medical severity needed to tackle these conditions,” says Marion. Public misconceptions have contributed to the problem, often shrouded by stigma, contempt, and despair. We hope that you will be one of the 500 that makes a $5 donation to help fight these devastating conditions.

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About the Loving Mind Institute

The Loving Mind Institute (LMI), Inc. is a national non-profit organization dedicated to advancing biomedical research and scientific initiatives in mental illness and addiction. Mental illness and addiction are devastating to patients, friends, family, and to society as a whole. The numbers are staggering. 1 in 6 American adults (44.7 million) live with a form mental illness from mild to severe, and 10.4 million suffer from a severe form of mental illness. In 2014, approximately 21.5 million people aged 12 and older had a substance use disorder in the past year. To address this public health crisis, LMI coordinates scientific and educational campaigns aimed at improving medical and therapeutic outcomes for affected populations. Towards this aim, LMI will fund biomedical research and other targeted scientific initiatives that fundamentally improve our knowledge and treatment of these conditions. As part of our scientific initiatives outreach, LMI utilizes print, social media, and digital tools to translate scientific progress and treatment information to the community.